howdy my lovely loyal friends + readers,
welcome to What Is This Regarding? where we take a critical lewk at wtf’s going on around us. i have a thought that won’t get the f out of my brain and i need to know if it’s in YOUR brains:
to all the world, rodeo and houston are what they are, yet in a city… they become ro-DAY-oh and HOUSE-ton.
but… why???
are city slickers just assholes who use these unexplainable pronunciations to sort out the tourists and newbies from fellow slickers??
even this article explaining it doesn’t explain it. that’s 1 for the out-of-towners, 0 for the slickers.
low key tho… upon researching… ro-DAY-oh is actually the proper pronunciation so literally all the rodeos out there are yee-haw-buggin. 1 for the city slickers!!
ultimately its unclear why any of us do the things we do or live in the places we live in. so let’s just agree that everything’s deranged and that I love you very much!
i love u like i love calling 6th ave. Avenue of the Americas to stress people out,
Follow my brain dump @amymazius
Follow my studio @metahaiku