Hello my fuegiest friends,
Happy Friday (and shabbat shalom) from 🔥The Fueg 🔥, the newsletter nobody asked for but everyone needs. Recently, I've been doing some sOuL sEarChiNg... some *hotness* soul searching. Who am I? What even is HoT?Â
I found myself stumped. A shirtless blazer paired with an ice cold martini at Sunset Tower--usually my go-to hotness uniform--didn't deliver. Cropped top? No heat. Scarf as a shirt? Luke warm.
Finding myself in this existential crisis...I knew it was time to bust out the big guns--mood boards and a book about Metaphysical healing.
My journey began... and quickly, I learned... hot isn't about a slip dress or an iconic tan... HOT IS AN INNER JOURNEY. Hmm.. could this be? How many years and millions of dollars *by me alone* have been spent on defining hotness as an externality? Could it be so simple?Â
After many cups of coffee, here are my findings, distilled:
1. Conjure your very own inner hotness guru.
The world can get pretty noisy and confusing... one minute you think you're bella hadid and the next you realize you're just attempting to wear a shoelace as an eXxXpiRimenTaL halter top. I took off my hootin' mask and began to holler for my guru. Who came forward? Samantha mf Jones: hotness guru.
The journey of hotness from within is ALL about attitude, confidence, and shutting out the clutter, like yoga. As Guru Jones once said: "my legs are fantastic. I have killer abs. My ass is perfection." This is the kind of hotness confidence I'm seeking in my journey.Â
2. Be hot to the beat of your own hot drum.
It's so key to remember is that HOT comes in many forms; for me, it's making challah french toast while wearing a fur, even if it is 90 degrees in LA.
 This is your sign to do something weird AF that makes you feel HOT af. Connect with nature. Bump a critical hot track. Whatever you do, do it YOUR way.
3. Baths are a quick hack to be literally and metaphorically hot.
Turn the heat up and play some ambient music (hi enya!) while burning an expensive candle. Tune in to your inner iNteLlecTuaL baddie and pick up that dusty book. Baths give you the space to zone out the dark demands of the every day and zone into the Higher Mind of Hotness.Â
And don't be afraid to call your bestie to remind her how hot she is too (you know who you are, bath buddy!).
4. Remember, it's not about what you wear, it's about who you wear. Because designers are HOT.
Okay, so this sort of negates eVerYtHinG I've said, but at the end of the day, Dior is Dior and this is the Fueg!
So my hot hot readers, I end this Fueg edition with a thot2consider. The Fueg... merch. Pls do let me know if u would consider wearing this Fueg and I'll start a waitlist:
I love you so much, you are so fkn fueg.