hi queen,
welcome to What Is This Regarding? a weekly sletter where we take a critical lewk at wtf’s going on around us. this morning i woke up to an iconic chuckle from hot bf. his viral tweet found itself on t-pain’s lips. it had me wondering - what’s the deal with information spreading so wide and so weird?
this wk, we’re talking about the information economy.
yes. WE ARE VIBING. the economy is not just nickles dimes and racks. the economy is ideas. we are feeding it when we wake up and start vibing. bc vibing —> ideas —> concepts —> everything else.
so it’s critical then that we vibe. and that is why i’m writing this newsletter with eyes half cracked - but HEART FULLY OPEN.
this wks been deeply about vibing. i’ve been hitting that golden flow state sewing my little heart out hoping to make SOMETHING that makes me and other people HAPPY.
so i’m turning the rest of this sletter to you. what makes YOU vibe? what do YOU want to hear t-pain say when he inevitably quotes you someday? yes i’m being an existential b*tch bc we are only here once and I WILL MAKE YOU YOLO!
today, my angel, we are gonna vibe. we are gonna dream. we are gonna lewk deep and far as to what satisfies us on this weird little planet! BC WE WERE MEANT TO MF VIBE!!!!!!!
FIRE WEB DESIGNER! iconic mag merde seeks a web designer for a revamp! email mollyroseapple@gmail.com
ART CRIT COMING SOON!!!! are you an artist or working on something new - like pottery, drawing, or a textile project? email amy@whatisthisregarding.com to join the waitlist for more info.
DESIGN SALE AT METAHAIKUUUUUUU!!!! ARE YOU SICK OF METAHAIKU YET? i hope the fuck not! come shop local makers and see my curtain babies DEETS!
Are you lewking for a job, an iconic hire, or a change of address? Email amy@whatisthisregarding.com with subject: CLASSIFIEDS
i love u like i love tiny bitchy sunglasses,
Follow my brain dump @amymazius
Follow my studio @metahaiku